Observation The process of observation is used in this project in almost every facet. It is applied by students observing the water and their natural environment using their five senses. They can record data that they observe in order to infer or predict later. Communication This process skill is key to success of the project. It is applied by the Data that is collected throughout the project. This data must be recorded, graphed and organized so as not to askew the results of the whole experiment. Measurement This process skill is applied through the use of the water testing kit. The directions ask the student to put in certain amounts of water and wait for certain periods of time before calling the results. Students use various forms of measurement during this project. Inference Students apply this skill by interpreting what they observe to infer the reason behind it and if it will happen again. Prediction Students will use this skill to forecast what could happen in a future observation if certain things are changed. For example, if the phosphorous level continues to increase, what will be the result? Based on their prior observations and inferences, students can come up with a good prediction. |  |