The integration into other content ares can be very exciting and a beneficial way to increase understanding using other subjects and modalities to appeal to all levels of learners and their individual learnning styles. The possibility of looking at the geography of Florida and how it has changed or stayed the same would be a valuable Social Studies lesson. The direct impact of our state government on the restoration programs could also be added to this lesson. Taking a look at the statistics and the data collected for restoration programs would also be a great Math lesson. The students could also document their predictions of what they think will happen to a restored area for a Language Arts lesson. Lastly, having students create a play about how the restoration of parts of the Everglades ecosystem affect the animals that live there would be a memorable hands-on activity. It is apparent that the integration of other content areas could only enhance the impact of learning and its benefits for the students. Please refer to the " related activities" and "links" at the top of the page for more ideas on how to integrate into other content areas, and have fun! |