www2.newszap.com/okee/lakeokeechobee.html Information on the Lake Okeechobee. www.saj.usace.army.mil/recreation/get_away_from_it_all.htm United States Army Corps of Engineers website. Information on Lake Okeechobee. www.aec.msu.edu/agecon/smith_endowment/documents/boggess.htm Article on impacts of water quality programs in Okeechobee watershed. www.animal.ufl.edu/short97/Rechcig.htm Information on phosphorus in Lake Okeechobee. www.flmnh.ufl.edu/wadingbirds/okeechobee.htm Florida Wading Bird Group website. Information on wading birds of Lake Okeechobee. water.usgs.gov/fl/nwis/qwdata United States Geological Survey website. Water quality data. www.2.shore.net Information on phosphorus levels in Okeechobee watershed.
riverwoods.ces.fau.edu Riverwoods Field Laboratory has current research for the Kissimmee River and its surrounding waterways. A worthwhile place to visit on-line and experience in person. www.kidcastle.si.edu/ This is Smithsonian Magazine's version of an on-line science magazine for children. There are experiments, a variety of science topics with their most asked about questions answered, and the opportunity for children to send their own questions too. www.nps.gov/ever/eco/spploss.htm The species loss within the Everglades National Park is examined. The topic areas listed are, "A park in danger", "Water Management", "Water quality", "Non-native Species", "Population growth", and "What can I do?". www.epa.gov/OWOW/wetlands/scinfo.html#wetlands The United States Environmental Protection Agency- Office of Water provides the best information on how to get involved and make a difference in the wetlands environment. The topic areas listed are, "Kids stuff", "Wetlands Science and research", "Information resources", and "Highlighted activities"(Wetlands word search and crossword puzzle). www.nova.edu/ocean/eglades/okee.html The history of Lake Okeechobee and the current issues surrounding its improvements are explained and elaborated upon. www.nationalwildlife.org/everglades/lakeokeechobee.html The National Wildlife Federation provides excellent information about the Everglades ecosystem and Lake Okeechobee. Some topic areas listed are, "Why care?", "Learn more", "How to help", and "National Wildlife Federation efforts". The scenes shown throughout the website are amazing as well.
www.okeedirect.com/okeechobee_history.htm This site gives the history of Lake Okeechobee and information about the Okeechobee waterway. It also contains recreational information for visitors. www.sfwmd.gov/koe_section/2_everglades.html This is site is for the South Florida Water Management District. This governing body has created many links to information on the Everglades System. These websites include various reports and information on plans and projects, specifically the Lake Okeechobee Action Plan regarding the watershed phosphorous loading issue. www.audubon.org Audubon organization website. Everglades restoration information. Also, lesson ideas and resources for teachers. http://fcn.state.fl.us/eog/govdocs/opbenv/saveglades/everglades/html/okeecho.htm The Executive Office of the Governor produces this site. The title is "Everglades- Lake Okeechobee Protection". The contents include the Introduction, Highlights, Kissimmee River Restoration, The Water Conservations Areas, The Big Cypress Swamp, Everglades National Park & Florida Bay, Endangered Species, and Land Acquisition Summary. |